Pet parents may wish their dog friends could talk just like them. It would be great if your dog could communicate his needs and wants so you can figure out solutions quickly. Unfortunately, since that isn’t the case, you must observe your paw pal constantly to understand what he is trying to tell you. Decoding your doggy’s issues may get even more challenging when he is under tremendous stress.
Experiencing stress may be considered a common issue, yet it is not a good sign if your dog has been feeling anxious over a long period. Consult your vet to get an insight into your dog’s behaviour. Seek advice on stress management in pets and make sure it isn’t caused by illness or injury. If you don’t already have best pet insurance then purchase a policy so you will have to bear minimum expenses to support your pet dog’s health.
Cheap dog insurance provides you with a financial backup for accident and emergency pet medical care. To get your pet treated, you must know the anxiety symptoms initially. You can find the most common symptoms listed in this article.
Excessive barking!
Dogs typically bark in response to strange noises, unfamiliar faces, and at the sight of other creatures. However, persistent barking can be a sure sign of anxiousness. Dogs that go through separation anxiety bark a lot when left alone. Make sure your pet engages in some activity while you are away. Leave some puzzle toys, treat dispenser toys, music on at a low volume, etc., so he doesn’t bark much.
Biting objects!
Biting, chewing, or even damaging objects at home are potential pressure signs. These activities show your pet dog’s need to release his pent-up energy. You may even notice your dog digging up holes in your lawn sometimes. Providing your doggy doo with a chew toy is one of the best ways to remedy such behaviour. Giving your fur baby a chew toy to gnaw on gives him mental stimulation as an added advantage.
Usually, people associate yawning with exhaustion. While it is true, that is not the only case when your pet yawns. We attribute excessive yawning to anxiety issues sometimes. Yawns rarely occur and last for a few moments. However, yawns because of stress and trauma are more intense and frequently recur over a long period. You may also observe your canine companion licking and drooling way too much.
When your doggo confronts a difficult situation, he takes flight from the scene immediately. Your dog may pull away from the leash, hide behind you, lie low in a corner or look for secure spots. One solution to curb this behaviour is to hire a behavioural training professional. Your dog is steadily exposed to stressful scenarios in a safe environment with their guidance. These sessions help build confidence in your pet pal.
It is a visible symptom and the easiest one to recognise – trembling can point to severe anxiety conditions or physical issues. Hence, you may have to meet your vet immediately to address your fur baby’s problem. Lifestyles changes, medications, therapies and/or other treatments help you sort out some of your pet dog’s troubles.
If you suspect any other medical complaint contributing to your pet dog’s anxiousness, take him to the vet to know about the next steps. Your dog friend’s check-ups, medicines, diagnosis, and treatment costs are covered with pet insurance in Nz. So buy a pet insurance quote at least to make the entire affair affordable.